Friday, August 11, 2017

We Moved!

After some serious debating, I've decided to leave Blogger for Wordpress.  It wasn't an easy decision, but I found that Blogger wasn't supporting the creative freedom that I was looking to grow into.
Alas, my content will be the same; simple, approachable tutorials that are current and useful. I will have more posts on my beloved gardening and canning and sometimes a thoughtful post on life. As a nurse, inately, I find myself wanting to care for you all; to help you in some way, whether to enjoy this life with a little more joy, find an inexpensive way to decorate like those who don't need to be inexpensive, or solve a little problem with a practically crafted solution. I write this blog for you and with you in mind. You are my inspiration and I hope you will follow me on this new adventure!
Instagram: @craftybridge
Facebook: CraftyBridge

With love,